What is UDIN ? Basic Introduction To UDIN

what is UDIN and Introduction
Q1. What is UDIN (Unique Document Identification Number) ?

Ans. UDIN (Unique Document Identification Number) is an 18-Digits system generated unique number for each document certified/attested by Full time Practicing Chartered Accountants. 

Q2. Why UDIN?

Ans. It has been noted that the financial documents/certificates attested to by a third party misinterpreting itself as CA Members are misleading to the Authorities and Stakeholders. ICAI also receives a number of complaints about non-CA signatures forged by CAs.

Q3. What is the purpose of UDIN?
Ans. In order to curb non-CA certification malpractices by impersonating themselves as CAs, the ICAI has come up with an innovative concept of UDIN i.e. Unique Document Identification Number that has been phased out. Certificates / reports / documents attested / certified by practicing CAs will be secured. This will also allow regulators / banks / third parties to check the authenticity of certificates / reports / documents.

Q4. What is the 18-Digits UDIN syntax?
Ans. UDIN is an 18- digits system generated random number with specific syntax i.e YY MMMMMM AANNNAANNN. For e.g. 20305476ALTSSN1429, where
The first two Digits are YY – Last two digits of the Current Year (20 for the year 2020)
Next 6 Digits are MMMMMM – ICAI’s Membership No. (305476 in this case). 
The last 10 Digits are AANNNAANNN –Alpha-numeric generated randomly by the system (ALTSSN1429).

Q5. When UDIN is Mandatory?
Ans. UDIN is mandatory for all types of the Certifications, GST and Tax Audit Reports and other Audit, Assurance and Attestation functions undertaken/signed by full-time Chartered Accountants.

Pursuant to the Council Decision adopted at its 379th meeting of 17 & 18 December 2018, UDIN has been made mandatory in phased form as set out in the following schedule:

• For all Certificates w.e.f. 1st February, 2019. 
• For all GST and Tax Audit Reports w.e.f. 1st April, 2019. 
• For all other functions of Audit, Assurance, and Attestation w.e.f. 1st July, 2019. 

Q6. Who needs to generate the UDIN?
Ans. All Practicing CAs with a full-time Certificate of Practice (CoP) must generate UDIN after registering on the UDIN Portal.

Q7. Who can register on UDIN Portal?
Ans. Practicing CAs with a full-time Certificate of Practice can only register to generate UDIN on the UDIN portal.

Q8. Is it permissible for any individual other than CA to register on UDIN portal??
Ans. No. Only CAs that have a full-time CoP (Certificate of Practice) can register to generate UDIN on the UDIN portal.

Q9. Is a partner able to generate UDIN for another partner ‘s certification functions?
Ans. No, only the signing Partner can generate UDIN

Q10. Whether or not, A Firm can register on UDIN Portal?
 Ans. No, only ICAI members who have a full-time Certificate of Practice can register through the UDIN Portal.

Q11. Who will generate the UDIN for the assignment carried out by the CA firm?
 Ans. Only the Partner / Proprietor signing the document for this assignment will have to generate UDIN. If, for that assignment, more than one partner has signed Introduction 3, then all such signing partners must generate UDIN separately.

Q12. Is UDIN applicable to members of the industry?
 Ans. No, as UDIN is only applicable to the practice of full-time CoP (Certificate of Practice) CAs.

Q13. Can the holder of the Part Time CoP (Certificate of Practice) generate UDIN?

Ans. No, no. The holders of the part-time COP can not certify the documents. They therefore have no access to the UDIN portal.

Disclaimer – Author has exercised utmost care while writing this article, but still this article may contain some error or mistake and no part of this article/writing should be construed or considered as any advice or consultancy whether professional or otherwise. The contents of this article are solely for information and knowledge.


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